Do you find that you are short on time, and fitting training in is tough, I mean WHEN???
When indeed.
You may want to hit a particular time for a race or maintain an average speed, you may even simply want to tick off the training you had planned in your head, and you are finding that it is simply not achievable. I personally think it is hard enough to fit in meals and to see family and friends!
So…some simple solutions for you are provided below which will help you to plan and reach your goals without having to waste any precious time.
Photo by David Lariviére on Unsplash

So many people drive to work, although with working from home you may have now gained that time back.
If you do normally drive or use public transport to get to work, try switching the car/train/bus for a bicycle, or your running shoes? Even if it is just one day per week, it can help you fit training into a busy life.
If you work from home can you try a new routine? I get up, have a cup of tea and listen to some music, and then I walk around the canal/estate for 15 minutes to get to my place of work (my house!). I can extend this to 30-60 minutes and include a training session. I have been 'given the gift of time'!
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Start the week well with a training diary, and with alarms if it's on your phone.
Remember, plan in all major activities, start with your rest day which is the most important day of the week, then include work, social commitments, etc.
Then see how much time you actually have and plan in your training sessions which include time to and from any venue you may be training at, allow for some social time and time to warm-up and cool down effectively. This includes stretching.
When we write our plans down and make them real on paper, we are more likely to commit.
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Having a training buddy means you can combine training with social time. Find someone who is looking to achieve similar goals to you, I am currently training to improve my 5km time, but want to do some cross-training on the bike.
Due to nerves from a previous accident, in order to motivate myself I plan in sessions with friends so I feel safer (although that does depend on how they ride), and it distracts me from actually doing a ‘training session’, it then becomes more about the social side of the ride.
Last week I did a 3 hour bike ride which I'd planned in, which normally would bore me to tears if I was on my own. Yep who'd have thought a former international age group athlete would get bored on rides, but everyone does - sometimes you've seen the same set of trees faaar too many times.
Thankfully I have some friends who wanted to visit Alvaston Castle (Derbyshire) so we set out, got a little lost and eventually completed 44 miles on the bike. It was fun, easy and meant I got my long ride in without much thought. Also if I did have a problem I had some guys to back me up. Good training buddies are like gold dust, treat them well, and remember it's not all about the session, make time to chat and see how each other is really doing especially in these tougher times.
Make time for social stuff above training especially if you are an extrovert, but as above why not combine it?
Photo by @IanTriathlete

If you don’t know when you can fit training in, and you simply don’t commit to sessions, put them off and say things like "maybe tomorrow" or "maybe if I have time" "maybe later this week"
Well... MAYBE it’s time to stop making excuses, putting off the thing that will help you on your journey, and start living up to that goal you said you would achieve.
Maybe it's time to recruit a coach.
A coach can plan your training for you, they should offer you a personalised plan, which can be tailored to your lifestyle, and be flexible to your needs.
It provides accountability similar to a friend, but from a qualified and trained professional who will know how to get the best out of your body in the limited time you have, maximising your efforts to provide structure, a clear path, and remove the maybes!
It’ll likely mean hitting your goals faster. Remember it's all about finding the right coach.
GIF courtesy of LFCTV
If you require a guide to help you improve your fitness or work towards your next triathlon goal, contact now us by clicking here.
Have a great day,
Ian Scarrott aka IanTriathlete
TriClub Owner & Head Coach
PS. remember there are daily workouts on twitter: @iantriathlete and join me on instagram to see snippets in the life of an age group triathlete (currently mostly a runner during Covid, bring back the pools!).
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