Photo on unsplash by Quino Al
Apologies for the text speak, but glad it got your attention as I think it's worth noting that there are a few races appearing around the country which is truly a positive step for the sport of triathlon!
Races will have new measures in place such as staggered starts, requirements around cleanliness and of course social distancing.
Now, if you're like me you have probably lost some race sharpness and may forget the odd thing when heading to the race, I once forgot my race shoes and so ran in my current trainers (thankfully I wasn't wearing flip flops and was wearing old race shoes - phew!).
In order to be race day ready, here are 3 top tips that will help you:
1) Preparation & Lists are key.
GIF courtesy of Wix
Competing in three sports means there is a LOT of equipment to pack to make sure you perform at your best, and there are some essentials you will need in order to race, e.g. if you don't have goggles that is going to be one awkward and uncomfortable swim, no bike helmet will mean you are not even allowed to put your bike in transition (and therefore what's the point in even starting!), and no run shoes... you get the picture.
So to make sure you don't forget anything I have provided a free downloadable RACE DAY CHECKLIST that you can use. I hope it helps! Here's a preview below.
2) Build the wall.

Photo on unsplash by Coen van de Broek
Build the wall? What? Sorry, it's an awful pun where I am talking about using brick sessions in training... bricks... walls... no... O.K. I'll leave the humour out.
A brick session is a doing more than one sport together, traditionally this may be a bike to run where you get your body used to the jelly leg feeling, it is important you get your legs used to this so you don't falter come race day.
I would say it's also important to practise swim-bike. After being in a horizontal position for a significant length of time where your upper body has done a large part of the work, you do need the lower half ready to go again, so you can get the blood rushing to those muscles that will allow you to smash the bike.
So practise building the wall, i.e. make yourself indestructible by including at least one brick session a week in your training especially as you get closer to race day.
3) Stay on top of the mental mind games.

Photo courtesy of Wix Images
The best race I had ironically is when I got zero sleep, it was the day I qualified for the GB Age Group Team and booked my slot to the World Championships in Mexico. However, to potentially improve a future performance I now implement the following:
Distraction: you want to wake up the day of the race feeling fresh and good to go so watching a film, reading a book before bed, or even chatting to a friend about something other than triathlon can help you forget those race day nerves that can creep in.
Positive self-talk: When thoughts of pain come in when you are in the final 5km of the run, or in the first 200m of the swim (or wherever you are in the race), having mantras handy like 'it will get easier', 'I am doing well', 'you've done this in training you can do it now' all help me... even if it feels rough positive self talk can help to get you through those tough times.
Mindfulness: Pre-race or during the race it can be helpful to use mindfulness techniques. Effectively what you are doing is taking the thoughts that may be troubling you, being aware of them but not emotionally letting them effect you and letting them go. For more information on this please download the free mindfulness PDF from Mind.
If you want a free no obligation chat around your upcoming races to help you alleviate any fears or concerns book a call with me here now. I want to help you relax and enjoy racing! Believe me I get it! I've been there!
For now thanks for reading and have a great day!
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